League of legends ancient coin
League of legends ancient coin

league of legends ancient coin

The tell tale sign of an amateur Thresh is to pull in the moment you get a hook.

league of legends ancient coin

Getting a solid hook onto an enemy can spell doom for them, but you have to play it right. There is a reason that this ability is called Death Sentence, and it isn’t just thematic. This is Thresh’s signature ability and certainly what he is most well known for. If Thresh re-casts Death Sentence when he is hooked, Death’s Leap will activate and Thresh will pull himself to the target. While hooked, Thresh will pull his chain, moving the target closer to Thresh a few times. If the target is struck by Thresh’s skillshot, the sycthe will latch onto them, dealing damage and stunning them briefly. Thresh hurls his sycthe at an enemy target in a line. While you don’t really have to worry about these much, make sure you are paying attention to them when they drop. While playing Thresh, you will naturally pick these up over the course of the game, increasing your strength as you go along. These are certain to spawn from some enemies (like champions) while others simply offer a percent. Not entirely dissimilar to Bard’s chimes, Thresh’s passive provides him with a fun little collection game. Each soul Thresh collects adds a small amount of permanent armor, AP, W shield strength and E damage. When Thresh moves near these souls, he collects them. When enemies die near Thresh they have a chance to drop a soul. Finish up with 12 points down the cunning path so you can pick up the support masteries there. Champion.ggįor Thresh’s masteries, we want to go 18 down Resolve, ending on Courage of the Colossus. From there, we are building all utility all the time, especially if they have any tank stats.įor our runes, we want to take nine AD Marks, nine MR Glyphs, nine HP Seals and three armor quints. Rather than getting Relic, which is hard to use but provides Thresh with yet another shield, we are going to get Ancient Coin and move it into Eye of Oasis. The build on Thresh varies pretty widely, but here we are going to suggest the squishier, more utility focused version. Well, if you want to become a master of The Chain Warden himself, you have come to the right place. While lots of players have already added Thresh to their pool, plenty of folks still want to know how the hell he works. Since his release over five years ago, Thresh has been a staple champion in the scene, spending very little time as a poor pick. Thresh is unarguably one of League of Legends’ best and most popular champions.

League of legends ancient coin